My question would be, “What’s with the ME syndrome”?
Someone has already asked about “The You Owe Me Syndrome,” which I guess can be a part of the ME syndrome.
My curiosity of why I ask this is…
Why do the Millennia feel that someone owes the “ME”? No one owes anyone anything. We are all responsible for our own destiny. The ole adage is work hard, succeed and build a life based on your choosing not based on what someone will give you. When I was growing up you could always count on people. Today’s society steered mainly by the ME attitude is that I cannot count on you unless you get something out of it. I say this with much experience. Having three children, 2 born in the mid, late 80’s, and 1 born at the beginning of the 90’s. The typical Gen Y. They were not brought up that way. They were always taught to respect everyone, lend a hand, and never put your self above the unfortunate. However, their mannerism and attitude has changed from watching their own friends take advantage of those around them. Their response is “Why shouldn’t it be about ME”? As an example, a friend who never sought pity or a handout became unemployed. As he stated, “where were my kids?” When my parents were in need, the children were there to count on so they did not lose everything they worked for all their life. At least the attempt was made to assist. Today’s ME attitude, is you are on your own. I am not saying that it is about the friend being of the ME mentality at all. He’s taken responsibility for his demise and probably would not let his kids help out because he knows they’re not in a position to help, however there is no attempt. None of them ever calls their dad and ask how are you, anything WE can do for you, do you have a place to sleep, and do you have a meal to eat. Nope, it is all about ME. ME has to go party on Friday and Saturday nights. However, ME has no problems when the father was working to come to him asking for a handout. When I got divorced and paying heavily in child support, what was the ME asking, “He doesn’t send ME any money”. They received what could be afforded. Why would you ask a ME question like that? Because they think, they’re owed something. (Note these are just examples, their own friends asked for the same handouts when their parents split up, so it is not stated for sympathy toward anyone, making one think your kids have bad values, it is all around us) Society has changed, and I realize change is good, but not at the detriment of losing value, compassion, and responsibility.
Our country was built on the complexity of WE not the simpleton of ME. It’s in the Declaration of Independence; “WE”hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal. In the The Gettysburg Address; “WE" can not dedicate -- "We" can not consecrate -- "WE" can not hallow. The Constitution;"We" the people would write the law --. Do you actually think everyone will always bend to your every whim? You cannot succeed by yourself. As they say, it takes a village to raise a child.
Maybe the Millennia’s do not understand that statement. Are they thinking they were put here to operate by themselves? Can you imagine a global retreat toward only one and everyone being that one? Not everyone can be leaders. You do have to have followers and I’m not suggesting anyone stop striving for the best or stop wanting to become a leader, but what are you going to do when everyone you attempt to lead chooses not to follow because they think along the same lines as “You didn’t hear me say WE, I said ME”? What will you do? What will you do when things do not go your way? In the job force, when you clash or don’t like the job being given, are you merely going to say, “this is not a WE society, this is about the ME society”?
Team effort is about WE not about ME doing it your way. You won’t survive under that analogy. When the top boss says do it his way, it is his company and the team says, I don’t think so, this is not a WE group this about you, you know the one that stresses ME so much and now the team says WE are going home, now you’ll find out just what ME means, because there is a now a truth to the ME. ME has to get it done or ME won’t be around for long. See the same can be used about the friends. When it becomes a WE and they say na, it’s all about ME and leave you to bask in the agony of defeit you’ll find our just what ME is truly all about.
In the movie Wall Street where Michael Douglas playing the role as Gordon Gecko says, “Greed is good.” He may be correct, and honestly, I do not see anything wrong with greed if it is handled in the right light. However, to say greed for ME does not include WE? Imagine in a greed for ME world, every ME wants what you have because you owe them.
Give some thought about the ME syndrome, and remember if you’re thinking it’s all about ME, what are your friends thinking about, are they your friends or are they simply leading you to get what they want. When it comes to ME, there are no friends, there will be no one to count on, no one to turn to, and the world will turn away because all will have the same attitude, “The WE society is dead, and it’s all about ME!” Think about it!
Lastly, being part of the ME syndrome and not willing to start at the bottom, wanting to start at the top; you’ll never be able to run, if the ME’s do not know how to crawl or walk! Without paying your dues, you are definitely setting ME up for failure! Life goes on but will you?
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