Thursday, December 31, 2009

Are You A Trader?

One thing I've learned in management is keeping up with change. Change means learning and reading. I talked about learning in an earlier blog referencing the never stop learning in your career/on the job synopsis. And I covered areas such as having Google and Wikipedia by your side. This article talks about reading material.

With such an array of things to read one thing I've taken interest toward is downloads from They constantly are offering white papers, articles and even book orderings on their site. And the best thing are they're free. Well the white papers and articles are and as for as the books you can usually download them as a summary. Here's a few good one's I've come across and are good reads and once you download them you have them on file for future use. If you're like me these items are like gold. You can reference them and keep up with many areas of business from recognized authors and even some that aren't publicly recognized but have managed to get published. Oh yes the articles are:

"Customer Relationship Management: Secrets to CRM Success", from Microsoft Corporation.
"PCI Compliance for Dummies", from Qualys, Inc.
"Integrated Business Planning: Redesigning Planning for a More Dynamic Business Environment", from Infor.
"Hosted CRM Comparison Guide", from Tippit, Inc..

These are just a few I've come across. Now you might not be involved in particular subjects, but it makes great reading material and let's face it if you have something to offer during a meeting or a conference that you might have learned from a simple download, wasn't it worth the few minutes of effort?

Remember it's like all the meetings and training you've ever attended. If you've walked away with one thing that you've learned, it was worth the investment!

Sometimes it's worth being a Trader :)

Don't Leave Home Without It

The more I watch and learn, I'm fascinated by the tools we're so getting use to utilizing in today's technology. Over the vast amount of time I've spent setting up accounts, googling, and blogging I've noticed 3 things that appears to be needed by every good manager. And you should consider having them at your right hand each and every time you're involved with social media.,, and Google.

I've watch in real life so many managers try to make a point by email, phone call and even in their own blogs and of course at sales meetings, company meetings, presentations, etc. not having all the information they need to speak on a subject. How embarrassing in most cases, and can I say a lot rides on your reputation. Ever receive an email where someone didn't bother to use spell check? I know we're not in a spelling bee, but really folks I find one of the most embarrassing areas you can hurt your reputation is by demolishing the English language. It may hurt when you're trying to pronounce something but you can usually give credit for at least trying. Spelling and English on the other hand when in writing form takes on a whole new era.

That's where, and Google come in. It doesn't take no time to call up a word that you're not familiar with quickly learn the definition to it and find out whether it should be used in your sentence. If you have to know more about a particular subject how easy it is from the prehistoric days of encyclopedias to call something up and read through it and learn more about what you're speaking about. And as for as for Google, you have to give these guys a lot of credit for coming up with this search engine. Just ask a question and BAM you're taken to ultimate sites to choose from that allows you to become more inquisitive and knowledgeable.

I can only imagine the generation of the year 2020 and beyond and maybe sooner than that never having to bring home a textbook again. It's all there right in front of your eyes. If you can't use it you just might want to consider maybe going fishing, knitting, or something where you don't need a whole lot of energy to pull something up that's not related to the computer generation.

It's my belief that these 3 items are a give me for every professional to live by when dealing with social media and it doesn't hurt to have it with you in all your writings whether email, word processing, blogging or whatever your niche' is. Honestly I can't live without them.

Have a, Dictionary thought, Wiki-moment, and a Googly Day!!!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

How Bad Do You Want that Career

Ok folks it's my chance to offer my thoughts in this New World of employment. And let me begin by asking how bad do you really want that career, job, position? Can you taste it? Will you go the extra mile? Think you can breath, eat and be the company man like your employer wants you to be?

Now don't get me wrong I'm not sitting here saying you have to devote every working minute to your employer, but it helps! I came from a small family that didn't have the income to send every kid to school for a formal education. When you grow up in a small town and raised by a single mother and your main objective is you have to work to survive sometimes higher education takes a back seat. However don't go for a minute and think that you have to give up. My motto, is never ever give up and as I say on my profile, "Failure is not an option".

I know some think well why didn't you go after you left home. Fair question, but like most kids we find that special someone and devote out lifetime to them, have kids, buy a house and strive for the great American dream. I did manage to get into the university where I grew up and even a vocational institute where I gained some educational backing. But other difficulties prevailed and time was limited during that time period. But again I never gave up.

I took full advantage of my employers ability to teach me everything I could grasp and I continue doing it today. Go ahead read my profile. I'm very proud where I started and where I'm at today. I know people that actually have college educations that are still trying to reach for the top and haven't made it passed the door entrance.

What I'm saying is I didn't wait for anyone to tell me to learn. I might have had some difficulties completing a degree but I never stopped learning. I spent many days coming in early, staying late on my own dime, learning. I've gone from department to department sitting, watching and asking questions and taking notes only to learn from my skilled peers in areas that I didn't work in but knew the more I knew the better I could do my job and my bosses would see I was serious about working. You can't be scared to put on a pair of overalls and get your hands dirty. In fact, getting your hands dirty actually better prepares you for the jobs down the road, whether it's a higher position working on a technological break through or a cushy office job, or a Senior Management role. It all plays it's part. To many times I've seen people get into a rut and say oh I can't do that, I didn't go to school to do that sort of thing. Sometimes it's worth putting your pride aside just to benefit yourself down the road.

You see I take my career more serious than most, and I must say I'm not conceded but I haven't done bad at all. Make it a point to show your employers how serious you are. Do the job you're expected to do but never stop learning. Every day is a new adventure in educating yourself. Take note everything you do or even asked to do has value and adds value. Keep track of your numbers. Know what you've done to help your company succeed. Know the capabilities of the people who work for you and what they have to offer. Get involved. Don't wait for someone to come to you and say you deserve a promotion. Sure that may happen but why wait for it. Our employers hire us for value. What can we bring to the table. What do we have to offer. How can they benefit from hiring us. You see I've always had the attitude the world doesn't owe me anything, however there's a lot of world out there and if I don't get my piece, someone else will.

I can say there's no employer that's ever hired me and hasn't received their value for hiring me. Their investment paid tri-fold and sometimes a lot more. I want my employers to know by hiring me they're not only making an investment, they've made the right choice. Learn to give it your all. Always keep in mind the child's fable about the "Little Engine that Could". That in itself is a life long educational story everyone can learn from. One of my all time favorite mentors is Donald Trump. Not for the shows he now plays on, but the idea that he doesn't sit around and wait on people. He goes out and makes his own path. He learns what he needs to learn for the task he about to take on and he goes for it.

If my employer asked me what's the best thing about myself, I'd have to reply that I am a go-getter. I'm there to bring value to who I'm working for. I never give up. The task at hand is nothing more than trial toward the reward.

You have to go out and make your own path in life, you can't wait for life to make a path to your door. Take the bull by the horns and wrestle with it but keep in mind you're not going to let it defeat you. Know you're a conqueror, an over-comer, your problems or inaccuracies did not come to stay, they came to pass. Know you're destined for victory.

Until we meet again!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Day After

Nope not talking about the movie. Talking about the day after Christmas. Yep, it's the time to continue looking for that special place or rather job/career. Although I have a small family and
it was typically very quiet I forced myself to not miss a day of endeavors. Yes, I got on the computer and did my thing. I actually was quiet successful for a holiday. I found 2 positions that caught my eye and with no delimma I sat here creating that fabulous cover letter and resume that surely will grab someone's attention. See like I said I hate sitting around. Someone's got to see the devotion involved in all this. Heck that seems to be what bites me, to much devotion. But it's all good and confidence with prevail. Eventually someone will see what a waste of good intelligence to be sitting behind a computer blogging haha. I'm waiting for my guardian angel to softly whisper in my ear "guess what, it's your time. Be prepared, it's going to be big!" Ok back to hunkering down, and searching the web.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Future Awaits

Well, moving day has come and gone and I just spent the last several days unpacking and storing. I've moved in with relatives for now. That's how they wanted it and it works for the interim since my goals are not to leave a large carbon footprint under my feet. What I'm saying is until time gets a little better this simply puts me closer to where I eventually want to be. So the main issue of moving is over currently but never to a point of settling. I have a warm bed to sleep in and my computer is set-up and rocking and rolling. I hate being stagnant. I don't like sitting idle. Now the fun begins. I've checked my e-mails for the last 4 days and by gosh I have so many sites where my request for jobs have been pulled I need to begin reviewing them. There's a lot out there and I have all the faith and confidence in the world and knowing I might be waiting on the future, I firmly believe the real fact is the future is waiting for me!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Crossing over to the other side

Well moving day is almost here. One more week and heading back home. Home as I know it from where I grew up. It's Friday and I just ran out of boxes. I've packed about 30 boxes and still need another 10 or so. Trucks been booked, accounts closed that needs closing and those that need transferring. Address changes made. And here I am waiting on more boxes. Gotta hate moving. I'm hoping that things are better on the other side. The other side meaning where I'm headed. It's been a good run for 10 years. It's a shame things aren't growing around here. 157 in the nation for stagnant economy. That's a drop of about 100 points from the previous year. This economy is so dead, there's probably more action in a graveyard. Anyhow, I have faith that things are going to turn around where I'm headed and it'll be more prosperous and energizing. It's all about survival right?

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Late Night Comedy

Ever woke up at 3AM and just flipped the television on and you end up on the most unlikely channel one may despise? C-Span; what a laugh. 10 congressional people in chambers sitting around talking to each other while one talks over the microphone. I wonder how many of them actually use this as a time to catch up on sleep.

Anyway it was 307AM and a Rep Judy Biggert from Ill. was speaking introducing yet another bill, but her whole entire speech was what needs to be done to get people back to work. A sore spot most Americans are really tired of hearing. Needless to say she continued on speaking about work, putting food in Americans mouth and ways of getting the economy back and running correctly. What caught my attention was the statement of how the percentages of homeless are growing at a staggering rate and hunger is following and how we need to do something. Do "we" really need to do something? Then why aren't we. Why is it speech after speech supports the "need to do something". Whether it's Rep or Dems. there's always some sort of partisanship on the table. Why is our government allowing this new age, new world to happen in this course of existence. I realize there's a lot more involved than just waving a magic wand. But all it ends up being is talk, talk, talk.

All this money that's thrown at congress, reps, senate leaders to sit around and talk couldn't we really use this for something more useful like action? You know it's always been said Talk is cheep and how about the one actions speak louder than words. If they would just quit talking and saying something needs to be done and "Just Do It" I personally might respect the way the situation falls.

Everyone has heard the speeches and usually it's the same choice of words just rewritten and state in a different fashion by someone else who wants their 15 minutes of fame. How many of these speeches does the American people fund on a daily basis. While everyone sits around jobless, homeless, hungry, these same people sit up in their nice offices in their nice suits driving their nice cars and continue on with their nice salaries in order to support their nice homes. I wonder how many of them actually fall delinquent on their how notes. I wonder how many of them made bad decisions in their life. The difference is the taxes payers are always there to bail them out. Whether you're employed or not your tax dollars never seem to stop funding this craze of political deceit.

This isn't a post against any particular party or any particular person. It's simply a wondering why do we continue on the same paths time and time again. How many of our political figures have reduced their salaries during this economic crisis? Businesses shut down, people put on the streets, but we all continue asking have the people that put into these offices ever feel what the typical American feels when times go bad? Maybe they have. I don't hear or watch everything.

Govenment needs to adopt the military's statement of "We never leave a fallen soldier behind". There's a lot to be said about that saying. If government would adopt such a thing no one would fall behind. I'm not saying a handout given to irresponsibility. We do have to do our part responsibly, but for those that try and try and never see the light, it always seems like they're falling through the cracks. I'm just amazed at how the country just stagnates along in repairing or getting the country back on its feet. And I know there will always be separations in classes, but government is one of those entities that nothing ever seems to hit them below the belt.

If this is a business and they're held accountable to the standards our forefathers designed it to be then why should this business never be effected? It doesn't matter what happens to the American people or even our troops, government is always business as usual. A million for this, a billion for that, a trillion for this and that. Where and who really gets this money? We can always make excuses, but with so much money coming out of capital hill for everything but a stagnant economy couldn't or shouldn't there be a way to stabilize things?

Don't misconstrue my statements as being against any particular person. Kudos to those who succeed and make it to the top. My anger stems from the same ole things always being said day in and day out 24/7/365 and yet absolutely nothing puts us back on track. Wasn't the organization of government suppose to be for the people, and service to the people? Wasn't this suppose to be a servants job? But it seems to be the most lucrative job in the nation.

This isn't far right/far left, dems or rep. just pondering thoughts wondering why are we like this. I know you spend money to make money that's typical business philosophy, but when you run out do you take from the guy next doors business? You usually out of luck and are forced to shut down. How does the government truly function when they're going under. Are we really selling out the country in order to get money from others that are glad to help?

Will be learn that the wheel has already been invented and no matter what equation you come up with and no matter what title you give someone if you don't do something about what has come to bite will anyone be successful? It's just ironic how we preach and preach and preach to no avail. This is really worse than telling your kids don't do this and don't do that. The game changes if you don't do this or that.

Really, can actions ever speak louder than words? Seems like the words are always speaking!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Could one ever wonder what....

Could one ever wonder what Christopher Columbus would think if he saw the world as it is today. I wonder if George Washington would have ever imagined the way everything has turned out as compared to his days. He broke away from the British, but did he actually break away from such a rule? Don't take that the wrong way, we all have to follow rules, but sometimes I wonder if our fathers ever sat back and wondered "what did we do", "what did we create", "what will the future offer after our days are over". Take this new blogging technology. OK, I admit this is my first ever blog and I'm enthusiastic about it. I love to write. But do I want anyone else to read what I write. Guess we'll see how time goes on. Gosh I got so much I could write about I get overwhelmed at things I could really write about. This first post just got me sitting here wondering since I'm actively seeking employment right now what really is the new world all about. We've all had our own ideas, our stories and the myths of what is to come. Do you ever scratch your head and wonder what is it all about?