Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Do You Want Your Organization to Prosper,Grow, Succeed?


No it's not about The Strength of Hercules,The Power of Zeusa, The Great Courage of Achillesa, The Stamina of Atlasa, or The Wisdom of Solomna ........

Have you ever purchased the wrong tool for the wrong job thinking this must be what I need?

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With the right approach, a little warmth, a chilling desire your worries could be over!

Prominent Business Professional with extensive experience looking to Pursue Objectives that will service company's growth with high end goals and bottom-line results.

Areas of Business Success
Building Materials/Products Industry
Oil Service Industry
Willing to relocate for great fit! All industries considered with given opportunity!

What will be brought to the table for your success

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Do you want your organization to Prosper,Grow, Succeed?
Don't let this successful tool pass you by. Limited to the first recruiter with good fit position to fill.
Limited time only while supply last!

Contact Dennis Morgan at morganden@aol.com or view full qualifications and summaries on

Copy Right @2010 Dennis Morgan

Saturday, January 16, 2010

How Affected are you at being Effective

As a Manager how effective are you? Do you sit around and do simple task? Do you ever have a game plan? In today's society of business it's quite simple to walk into our offices turn on the computer and read news, listen to music, check the stock market, read more news, see who's playing who in sports and what's the latest statistics of our favorite teams. We carry iPods and such where we left off of at the office and begin as we're getting into our autos or the next plane. But how effective are we as managers?

Is our goals to better the organization we work for? I think we've all been there where our time management probably needs a little jolting to get us back on track at times.

Let's examine what effectiveness is and how do we become more effective to our organization.

The wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn defines "effective" as producing or capable of producing an intended result or having a striking effect. Simply stated as the cable guy would say "getter dun".

To elaborate on this and the "effectiveness" of this article let's ask some questions and define some rules to better educate ourselves on the proper effectiveness we can become at becoming more effective for our organization.

Peter Drucker states in one of his 39 published books about management "that in order to manage others we effectively have to know how to manage ourselves". I like that statement. That tells us in a lot of aspects to lead by example. If we can manage ourselves which does take some concentration and a lot of time, discipline. But it can be done. Do you focus on what needs to be done or do you simply put off what needs to be done and do the easy stuff first with intentions of getting to the actually important items that need to be done?

Do you have a plan? An action plan to put into effect to help you stay effective so you can focus on what needs to be done? Do you perform what is needed for the organization or simply what needs to be done because you're dictated to what's required or what you want to do? We all have to engage with what's required by anyone and everyone we work for. But stepping away from what is required by someone who's telling us what needs to get done; do we look at what is required to make our organization succeed? What does it take to make your organization win? It's not a matter of filling in numbers to see what you've sold, it's a matter of what's the plan to sell the product that will make those numbers. What will it take financially to be effective toward achieving those numbers that are plugged in to give us the ability to know if we succeeded or failed?

You have to ensure the plan effectively fits your organization. Keep in mind you have to take action when you create a plan. Sitting around toying with an idea wondering if it will work effectively doesn't do you or your organization any good if all you're going to do is think about it and not place anything into action. You have to do something with the idea or it's nothing more than wasted time. You know the ole saying "actions speak louder than words"? That statement is quite effective on our studies of learning just how effective we can be.

Accountability is very important toward carrying out effectiveness. You have to let everyone know what your plan is and who it effects as well who will carry it out and accomplish what's needed to be done. They need time tables. Times when things will be completed and times things are required to be completed. How effective can one be if you cannot meet deadlines?

Meetings need to be productive. I had a conversation with peers once on what makes a good meeting effective.Meetings are either effective or a waste of time there is nothing in the middle by any means. You have to have your agenda planned with all stake holders, and their involvement so they can be prepared. You'll need answers when your plan goes into effect. These key people can let you know what you're up against and if it can or can not be accomplished in the time frames you're requesting. Don't just have a bunch of people show up for a meeting and at that point decide that you're going to introduce your idea and hope that from a brain storming function you can lavishly obtain what you're looking for. It won't happen. Have everything scheduled with the proper people ahead of time and everyone comes together to bring their formulas and equations for the idea that needs to be accomplished.

As the manager you have the ability to run this meeting and ensure it kicks off on time effectively and runs smoothly getting all the information out that's required in order to effectively accomplish your needs. You don't need any side bar or interruptions. Get the information out and move on.

Always keep in mind what's effectively good for the organization not what's good for you or anyone else. As a manager your job is effectively do what's best for the organization. To many times we get tied up in details that keeps us back from the task we have to do to advance the organization in whatever it's purpose is. Although planning and scheduling is a great way to get things done and planning your time effectively will in turn effectively help the organization meet it's goal.

You have to effectively manage your resources and that being "time". If you can't manage time effectively how can you manage anything else and with out the ability to manage anything else how truely effective can you be? We're all given the same amount of time. Same number of hours each and every day as long as we're alive. If you can't make a plan to help you manage effectively and to effectively meet the objectives of your organization you've effectively lost and at this point you can honestly say how affected are you at being effective!