Friday, June 18, 2010

"You Can't Handle the Truth"

This blog is referencing people always asking why don't they get responses from hiring managers, recruiters, etc. whether it's a yes or no so they can moven on.

Have you ever run across this throughout your career, your dating life, your everyday living? People that say just tell me, "I can handle the truth".

Despite what people say off the cuff, I can honestly say from being a manager & on the dating circuit people cannot handle the truth. I know most will say oh you're full of bull Dennis. But realistically look at yourself & be truthful and ask yourself or go back & review past truths. As Jack Nicolson said,” You can't handle the truth”. Most of us from a psychological aspect say we can but it's our response that dictates if we can truly handle it. Dating a person and you want to break it off, what's the response, why, what did I do, I thought you liked me, what can I do to get you to like me- I'll be waiting for you when you get home with a get the jest.

On the career circuit job hunting as stressful as it is; what response do you give or have you gave when someone tells you literally to your face, you didn't make the cut? You just weren't poised enough, your hair was grey, your tope was crooked, you used to many um's, a's, and you knows. They didn't like the watch or shoes you were wearing. Sure sounds trivial to most but what is our immediate response when backed into a corner? Why me, what did I do wrong, oh that company's an a**, oh Mr. recruiter you didn't work hard enough to get me in ... again you get the jest.

We ALL tend to get defensive or saddened and who takes the brunt of our responses but the one communicating the information to us. Imagine how a doctor feels coming out from an operation and telling the family members some bad news, he's gotta feel like c**p. In a lot of cases, not all; I'm sure the communicator feels just as bad because they have to listen to why you needed the job, and how little Johnny needs the operation and you don't have the money. Not to mention in such a sue happy world we live in can you simply imagine how many people would be in line to have an attorney just for someone saying "we didn't think they were yada yada .”

It makes sense to me although depressing and leaves you wondering what happened, where am I during the process to just let it go after a certain period of time you set for yourself.

Again I know you're thinking BS Dennis I can handle it, and maybe you can; one of the few the proud but you're just one person, look how many applicants are out there that aren't like you who can't handle the truth and make the whole entire effort counterproductive. Continued......

If people wouldn't be sue happy and complain about every little thing and able to “accept” <-keyword- that happens to them whether in rhetoric or real world experience; you stepped on my toe, the process could probably change.

I know this to be somewhat true from an example I'll use when having to lay someone off or fire them. Fortunately, I've learned when I've been laid off that it's strictly business & no one, absolutely no one is responsible for my future other than me. But to tell someone you're laying them off or firing them and screwing up their life is not pleasant task despite what they’ve done wrong. I literally experienced the latter of firing someone and had to contact the sheriff’s department to patrol the property for 2 weeks after me firing them. Sure they could handle the truth and the truth was in their vehicle, a 357 magnum. The person went loony. Sure recruiters maybe on the east coast and you on the west, but the analogy of truth is still a dilemma that can cause arguments or even stalking over the phone. A lot of people just won’t “let go” <- another keyword. The process won't change folks because we're all part of the process. We don't want to break bad news to anyone no more than others want to break it to us.

Of course this is simply just my opinions and my analogy and you know what opinions are like. I've gotten over the why they don't call syndrome and give them 3 days to 5days and move on still searching throughout those waiting periods just in case so I won't lose my momentum.

I know everyone who reads this can handle the truth, but for the moment, the system is stuck with the other 155 million that can't handle the truth! And that's my Psychology 101 class for today! :)

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