Friday, December 11, 2009

Crossing over to the other side

Well moving day is almost here. One more week and heading back home. Home as I know it from where I grew up. It's Friday and I just ran out of boxes. I've packed about 30 boxes and still need another 10 or so. Trucks been booked, accounts closed that needs closing and those that need transferring. Address changes made. And here I am waiting on more boxes. Gotta hate moving. I'm hoping that things are better on the other side. The other side meaning where I'm headed. It's been a good run for 10 years. It's a shame things aren't growing around here. 157 in the nation for stagnant economy. That's a drop of about 100 points from the previous year. This economy is so dead, there's probably more action in a graveyard. Anyhow, I have faith that things are going to turn around where I'm headed and it'll be more prosperous and energizing. It's all about survival right?


  1. Dennis - keep up the good work on the blog. Sometimes, if for no other reason, it's good just to sit down at the computer and get your thoughts out.

    Will keep my fingers crossed for you on the job-front. I'm hoping the prospects are better in LA than they were in FL.

  2. Thanks Dennis for the support.I'm looking here in the interim to make ends meet. But my desire is to move to Texas eventually. I'm staying with family right now which is a good thing and of course they're excited for now. Undoubtedly this has turned in to full time. But like everything else I do,there's a job to do waiting won't get it done!
